Join/Rush APO
Spring 2025
Discover Alpha Phi Omega
Rushing (see the FAQ below) for Alpha Phi Omega is officially January/February, but if it’s past that time, still send us a message and we can work something out for next semester!
We have worked to create a pledging process that cultivates an environment that fosters a passion for service, development as leaders, and development of unbreakable friendships!
Under the guidance of the Pledge Trainers, you and your pledge class will learn about what makes us who we are. The process of pledging is not an individual one, but rather an experience shared amongst every member of your pledge class.
New pledges and active members will all come together to share this journey to develop in LEADERSHIP, FRIENDSHIP, and SERVICE. We hope the skills you learn will be valuable to you not only as an active member, but beyond your time here at Purdue University.
Below, you can find pledge and active member’s quarterly requirements summarized. There is also an FAQ section, as well as a sample schedule from the most recent rush cycle. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any unanswered questions!
Adapted from Gamma Alpha Chapter